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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  August 14, 2014 1:42am-4:01am PDT

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which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar levels. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. (male announcer) today's the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. covered by nearly all health insurance and medicare plans. something happens when you giveair.r hair... you get a natural look without the gray. only just for men has airactiv. the only technology that uses oxygen in the air to get rid of
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gray while leaving the natural variations in your hair. no ammonia. no peroxide. no overcoloring. just air... just you... and the look you want. just for men. ♪ i just want to run away
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well, sometimes you just want to run away or get away. but if you remember being a teenager those options can be a bit limited. >> so one texas boy decided of all places to run to, it would be wal-mart. turning the store into his own hideaway. abc's ryan smith has the story. >> reporter: workers at this wal-mart in a dallas suburb getting a huge surprise. a 14-year-old boy found living in the store for days. these photos show the two places where the boy hid. this one in a display of baby products and strollers. and one behind the stack of paper towels and toilet paper. a scene reminiscent of "where the heart is." a pregnant natalie portman forced to live in wal-mart after being abandoned by her boyfriend. >> there are worse places to stay then this. >> reporter: customers are stunned. >> you never expect there is someone living there and has been living there for four days.
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that is crazy. >> reporter: the teen apparently stole items from the store to eat. and slept in this make shift bed to. avoid suspicion, the boy even took clothes from the rack, changing his outfit every few hours, even using diapers instead of the bathroom, to avoid detection. >> i'm wondering what his parents think. and how come he didn't come home. or why aren't they worried about him. >> reporter: it was this trail of trash that led wal-mart workers to his hiding place. the boy tried to run off but was caught before he could get away. it doesn't appear the boy is homeless. state officials say he was living with relatives when he disappeared. the boy is back with his parents, but still unanswered why he chose to hide in the store for so long. ryan smith, abc news, new york. >> you know we talked abut this before, about, you know they don't know why he stayed in the store so long. we also don't know why cameras or anyone else didn't notice him there. >> wal-mart says they're looking into it. if you are a 14-year-old, would seem to be the ultimate pad,
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flat screen tv's. i used to work there. i know all the secret spots where they stash the snacks. dvds, pillows. set up camp. have a great life there. >> you have all the tips. bring your friends. you should blog about that. >> well, almost back to school season. but we are not saying good-bye to summer just yet. we have easy, breezy, cool, summertime treats for you for end-of-season war is -- soirees flae. >> you have all the tip
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...until we found a connection. you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hline can help. (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) >> welcome back, now officially into the dog days of end of season parties. >> in your next half-hour,
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decoding your cravings, what your body is really telling you when you get a yen for mac and cheese. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. >> welcome back, now officially into the dog days of summer. if the heat is making you feel a bit wilt weed have easy, breezy summertime treats. joining us this morning, america's chief entertaining officer, tim laird. thank you for joining us. thank you for being here. >> great to be here. >> we have a cocktail to kick it off. >> we do. talk about ways to beat the heat. get something refreshing. this is what i call a melon slushy. i love this. you can use watermelon, cantaloupe. today, honeydew melon. put it in the freezer a bit. put three cups into a blender. to that i add two ounces of honey syrup. one part honey. one part water. all it is. 2 ounces of that. then 1 ounce of freshly squeezed lime juice. got to have the fresh lime juice to give it zip and taste. then spice, fresh tarragon leaves, give it an herbal. i like to kick it up. leave it as is. want to really kick it up. i use 2 ounces of tequila. 2 ounces of that go in.
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boom. just like that. that's my 2 ounces. >> like 4 there. >> other 2 ounces might not be that. give that a quick blend. and there you go. there you have it. actually made one earlier without the tequila. got a lot of work to do. >> we do. >> everything without -- without tequila. see what you think. >> mason jars. >> absolutely, pack those on a picnic. give it a shake before you have it. >> fantastic. melon. good texture in there. good taste of lime. >> very refreshing. another idea. at parties or want to take a party to go on a picnic. like to take lemonade, iced teas and kick it up with a little bit of black berry syrup, strawberry syrup, watermelon syrup. found this on line. and this is a great blackberry syrup. dash in there. you get a blackberry lemonade. blackberry iced tea. >> that's sweetened. >> little bit goes a long way. really tastes great. blackberry and lemonade,
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blackberry and iced tea. delicious. fabulous. another great idea. something easy. i believe, devin, easy entertaining. all this is skewer of feta, watermelon, mint. you can present it like we did on a watermelon. very nice. >> goes well on a picnic. take it with you. really easy to pack and go. >> it is. the saltiness and feta, sweetness of the melon, mint kicker. perfect. anyway, another thing i love during the heat, are chilled soups. just love it. nice, refreshing. you can't beat a good gazpacho. i love it. i tell you what, they're easy to do. in here, one can of diced tomatoes. >> here you go. >> half a cup of cucumber. half red pepper in there. little bit of onion. >> red onion. >> garlic. >> got to have the garlic. >> garlic. little red wine vinegar. cumin goes in. by the way all recipes on your site. go to "world news now." >> facebook fan page. >> worcester.
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whip it up. what i like to do after that combines, serve in individual -- >> awesome. and also, you can make this a day ahead and bring it with you? >> in fact, you want to. chill it. keep it chilled. all ingredients come together a day ahead. nice and refreshing. >> isn't it great? >> cucumber sandwiches. cool as a cucumber. secret is a little cream cheese. add a little dry ranch mix to it. do that overnight. >> so versatile. >> oh, yeah, absolutely. seasons it up. do it overnight. spread a little on it. fresh cucumbers. got it, done, boom. >> wrap it up with something sweet. >> here it, peach mousse, real peaches, sugar free orange gelatin, honey. >> like pudding. >> light. use that nonfat whipped cream if you want to put it in there. or go all fat. any way, light, airy. >> you heard it here. america's chief entertainer, great to have you, tim. find all our recipes this morning on our facebook page, stay with us. you are watching "world news now."
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♪ hot fun in the summertime
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we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan
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to go the distance with you. go long. and now it is time for "the mix." you like dogs don't you? >> i love dogs. >> i have a dog. my dog is not as pampered as this dog you will see. meet chloe, princess pom. pomeranian. spoiled like no other dog i heard before. might be the most pampered pooch ever. he has 250 outfits. more outfits than i have in my closet. bows, hats. tiaras. that is the owner there. she says she is not rich. but if she had more money she would lavish a lot more on her. >> my favorite thing about this story, she says she prefers to carry her in her $1,500, louis vuitton carry bag, doggy pram.
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treat your dog like that. speaking of designer apparel, take a look. meet the python in indonesia that likes wearing a frog for style. that's right. these two grew up together in captivity. a true python normally eats frogs. a green tree frog. they're best buddies now. no sign of aggression here. they look so cute together don't they. >> they look adorable. almost looks photo shopped. >> sticky fingers there work out perfectly. you know what, it is still a snake. and we have been covering the ice bucket challenge all week showing different clips. well we are going to show you an extreme one now. this one out of canada, canadian hockey player, decided to do it his way. on top of the glacier of course. filling up buckets of water. and dumping them from a helicopter up above. all the while, he is shaking and wearing a speedo. >> only a pro-hockey player.
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>> here it goes. and slow motion. >> oh, yikes. >> extreme. >> icy water coming down giving me a chill. >> he laid down a challenge to several others and lebron james. >> interesting to see if the guys follow through. everybody it seems could be catching on to this now. look at that. >> that's pretty good. >> that's pretty good. >> there on that thing. >> finally want to introduce you to this couple that did the ultimate sailing adventure around the world. they survived to tell about it. meet clive and jane green of the u.k. they spent 16 years sailing on a 35-foot boat around the world. 50,000 miles, 56 countries. there they are. and they have unbelievable stories to tell. in fact, one of them -- >> looks like a honeymoon. >> maybe. >> they had just gotten married there. having a few drinks too apparently.
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one of the stories they told is to find fo
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but at this moment, she's fighting a brain tumor. announcer: please take a moment and join st. jude in finding cures and saving children. visit
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this morning on "world news now" -- showdown in missouri. this morning on "world news now" -- showdown in missouri. police in a st. louis suburb use tear gas. the growing tension in a town where an unarmed teen was shot by police. >> fight ebola, one of the american missionaries infected by the vicious virus in africa her struggle to recover. her husband in isolation speaks out. and fear at the fairgrounds. a girl's dangerous fall from a thrill ride. the scary sight for eyewitnesses and what doctors are saying about the victim. and major debut. michael jackson's new music video released just hours ago. our first look at how it is already making history. that's in "the skinny" on this thursday, august 14th.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning. i'm michelle franzen. >> i'm devin dwyer. always great to see new michael jackson music coming out. that escape album is so fun. >> amazing. we begin this half-hour with escalating violence in suburban st. louis following the shooting of an unarmed team. >> that's right. heavily armed police in ferguson using tear gas and smoke bombs on the crowd after at least one person threw a flaming bottle. this report filed from the scene. >> reporter: wednesday's demonstration was much like the ones monday and tuesday. a crowd of protesters including some adults with children in strollers singing, chanting, some praying and some taunting a line of police in riot gear. the protesters, about 200 of them, had been told to stay back 25 feet from the police and two armored personnel carriers. and most complied. just after sunset, someone threw an object at one of the
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officers, one more warning was issued and tear gas was fired into the crowd. people scattered to the north on florenceson avenue and a short time later percussion grenades were deployed. police on foot and in vehicles chased the demonstrators from the area. violence followed a tuesday protest that ended peacefully and appeals from the police chief to clear the streets by nightfall. the latest incident happened a block from the spot where 18-year-old michael brown was shot to death by police on saturday. a killing that has prompted four nights of protests. jim ryan, abc news. the police chief in ferguson is refusing to name the officer who fired the shots which killed michael brown. the chief did reveal to abc news the officer sustained facial injuries in the incident. now to the humanitarian crisis in iraq. the pentagon says air strikes and air drops have broken the siege on that mountain where so many refugees have been stranded. that means that a rescue which could have involved u.s. ground troops has been put on hold. the seventh drop of food and
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water was carried out last night. and the pope is in south korea this morning, marking the first papal visit there in 25 years. among those greeting pope francis as he stepped off the plane, relatives of the south korean ferry sinking that killed more than 300. not to be outdone, north korea made its presence felt by firing off three short-range missiles just moments before the pope arrived. well, this morning, liberia has received the last known doses of an experimental ebola drug. the company which makes zmapp is not prepared to make it widely available despite assurances by world health organization. both the americans who got the drug are doing bitter -- doing better. for an update here is abc's paula faris. >> reporter: the american missionary couple kept apart by one of the world's deadliest diseases. nancy writebol in isolation in atlanta, stricken with ebola which has no known cure.
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david writebol in quarantine in charlotte being watched to see if he develops the disease. telling abc news he is cautiously optimistic about his wife's health. what is the latest with your wife, nancy? >> her voice is clearer an brighter. still very weak. moving in the right direction. making good progress although we are still not quite ready to say she its out of the woods yet. >> reporter: it has been 11 days since missionary doctor ken brantly was flown back to the u.s. nuclear plant followed soon after. both have received an experimental drug and those supplies now exhausted. his last physical contact with nancy was in liberia nearly a month ago through protective gloves. >> i patted her to let her know i was there and loved her. >> reporter: david remains in quarantine, unsure when he will be cleared. he says when he is released, his first stop will be atlanta to see his wife of 40 years. michelle and devin. >> thank you, paula.
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a young girl in upstate new york is nursing a broken arm after a dangerous fall. the 12-year-old injured after falling ten feet from the sky flyer ride at the erie county fair. ride operators believe the girl wasn't properly secured. and boarded the ride when the person checking the riders didn't see her. >> she couldn't find a way to get in. she was trying to get up. a couple seconds later, it just flew up in the air. >> operators say there was no mechanical failure involved in the incident to. to avoid a repeat, though, an additional person is being added to check the riders are securely in their seats. now to a terrifying ordeal for passengers aboard a ferry on cape cod bay. a rogue wave, at least 20 feet high, came crashing down on the ferry knocking out the engine and two windows near the captain. passengers scrambled for life jackets as water gushed from the ceiling. the boat regained some power and slowly made it back to boston with a coast guard escort. the captain was treated for cuts to his hand.
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thankfully no other injuries. and emergency crews on the move in the southwest after heavy monsoon rains there yesterday. a man sleeping under a bridge in albuquerque was swept away. he had to be rescued from a flooded waterway. you see him there. firefighters tossing a rope and pulling him to safety. several others were also rescued from flood waters in the same area. >> a look at today's weather. there will be more heavy rain flooding all the way up in northern maine. thunderstorms over parts of louisiana and florida. and the eastern, 2/3 of the nation though will be sunny and clear. out west, heavy rain with severe thunderstorms in the rocky and cascade mountain regions. >> temperatures will be moderate on both coasts and the great lakes. but hot in the midwest and southwest with phoenix hitting 102. now to a mother in texas who could not be more thankful this morning. her son cory amanzo involved in a car wreck in may. it left him in a coma. and for months cory was unable to move or communicate.
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then suddenly, this past weekend that all changed. >> we were just sitting there talking to him like we always do. and he just starts following our voices. and he is looking at me. then his sister starts talking. he turns and looks at her. and he was just following us, it was amazing. >> cory is now doing physical therapy at their home. some of his football teammates have come to visit. and cory has told them that he wants to go to practice. they say, "no, you don't." >> that is just incredible. five months in a coma. you think so many people would begin to give up hope after that long. without reaching their, their son. >> and his mom was very thankful. she said she had to thank god when he came out of the coma. so beautiful story. >> incredible what the brain can bounce back from, right? >> yes. moving you on now to tiger woods and more evidence just how bad his aching back really its. woods says his doctors advised
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him not to play or practice golf right now. he says his back muscles need time to heal and be rehabbed. woods missed the cut at last weekend's pga championship. and now removed himself for consideration for the next month ryder cup matches. and now to a remarkable athlete, so remarkable we thought that she its the star of our "favorite story of the day." >> she is 99-year-old ida keeling who just set a new world record for her age group of 99 in the 100-meter dash. incredible. ida, great, great grandmother. she stands 4'6", just 83 pounds. >> at a meet in akron, ohio, she blazed the meters in 59.8 second. look at her go. hold the age group record in the women's indoor 60-meter dash. way to go, ida. >> love that. says she got into running in 1967 after sad news. two of her sons murdered three years apart. says it raised her spirits.
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love her advice. she said, "do what you need to do, not what you want to do." get out there and get exercise. >> she said get that exercise. that's right. what an inspiration. i love her. >> great motion there on the track. coming up in "the skinny." j-lo showing some moves she has still got it. racy new shots just out. you want few see them. >> first understanding your cravings for certain foods and what your brain is trying to tell you when you got to have some carbs. you are watching "world news now." ♪ and constant cravings ♪ has always been >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lyesol. you can't be there for your kids 24/7. that's why lysol has partnered with over two million teachers to educate kids with healthy habits programs. like how to fight germs.
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♪ and constant craving ♪ has always been you know, everybody's craving something. and you might even be hearing that little voice calling you to dig around the kitchen right now. >> that's right, carbs, sweets, salt, fats, crunchies, the food you think you can't live without could be your body trying to tell you something. here's abc's abbie boudreau with more. ♪ >> reporter: could your cravings be clues that something is eating at you. let's start with the oh, so common caffeine craving. a lot of people crave caffeine. so what does it say about them? >> it might say that they just need some satisfaction. that maybe something is going on in their life they think that is
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going to be the pick-me-up. there is nothing wrong with coffee in moderation. >> reporter: beller says craving caffeine indicates a need for energy and could alone mean you are dehydrated. instead of coffee or sodas all day long, what is a better option? >> you might need water to quench your thirst. that might be a good tradeoff. >> mm. >> mm. >> reporter: what about if you crave ice? >> it could mean you are bored, dehydrated. thirsty. just consumed a hot beverage. want to cool your mouth off. there have been case reports of people craving ice when they have iron deficiency anemia. >> reporter: are you quick to order mashed potatoes and mac and cheese? >> you may be lacking serotonin. a feel-good hormone. sometimes a treadmill can do that increases serotonin. we encourager exercise. >> reporter: beller says to turn to healthy comfort foods like whole wheat pasta andyams or getting a massage. craving for fatty food may be your brain telling you don't go cold turkey.
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>> >>'s better to have a little good, healthy fats to prevent you from wanting unhealthy fats. >> reporter: this is my craving. what does it say about me? >> it says that you may be lacking some fat in your diet. a few is fine to have. okay to have a little fun. >> reporter: food for thought in moderation. abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> so what does my potato chip craving say about me? >> it says that you are hungry. i had potato chips earlier today. craving barbecue, i gave in. which i don't very often. >> must be stress, insomnia. if you are craving caffeine, probably addicted to it. if you don't drink it, you have a headache. ice? anybody crave ice? >> i don't crave ice. i didn't have an iron deficiency. >> very interesting. >> always choose pretzels instead of potato chips. it isn't as fun. nice. or ice cream. >> ice cream like you do.
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we don't have any of that. >> wonder what that says when i am craving ice cream like that? >> you are melting in the sun. >> pickles. >> you are wilted. >> my wilted look. melting. >> if you are looking for things to munch on, we want to remind everybody, you just saw in the previous segment, tim laird recipes. >> could use summery things. >> lots to munch on there. when we come back, more to chew on in hollywood. what michael jackson accomplished from beyond the grave that no other artist has ever done. >> why celine dion is suddenly canceling all of her concerts. that's coming up in "the skinny." >> stay with us. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. concerts.
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at 15, i was addicted. by 40, i'll have lung disease. at 50, i'll die of a heart attack. dr. regina benjamin: cigarette smoke causes immediate damage that leads to health problems, even death. those who quit or die are being replaced by a new generation of smokers. i'm dr. regina benjamin, united states surgeon general. go to learn how to make our next generation tobacco-free.
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ >> and it's time for "the skinny." we begin with some breaking ♪ skinny so skinny and it's time for "the skinny." we begin with some breaking michael jackson news. >> yeah, love m.j. latest video now has become the first music individually to premiere on twitter. happening late last night. no hologram here if you remember billboard music awards. that is actual footage of m.j. from years ago. the song is called "a place with no name," featured on this year's "escape" album. take a listen. ♪ oh take me to a place without your name ♪
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♪ take me to a beach without your name ♪ >> and there was even a tweet from michael jackson announcing the new video. some find that a little bit more than creepy. >> hmm. >> vintage michael though, the song. >> it is. has a nice feel to it. love the songs on the new album. the video, pretty straight forward here. someone in the office said it looks a little look a jeep commercial. little product placement maybe. >> little product placement. >> fun. moving on, though, to another music star. celine dion putting her career on hold, canceled her concerts and las vegas show to focus on her family. >> the five-time grammy award winning singer cleared her schedule to be at her husband's side he battles throat cancer. celine and her husband are a few months shy of their 20th wedding anniversary. she says she wants to devote every ounce of her energy and strength to her husband's healing. >> dion is recovering from
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enflamed vocal cords herself and raising their three sons. next up, j. lo and her upcoming single. its title is -- are you ready for this -- "booty." >> wait till you see the pictures here all makes sense to you. here it is the art work for the single of course, features j-lo and the body part that she is best known for there. you see the title of the song too, goes well with that, and -- and eye catching don't you think? >> exactly. very eye-catching. j-lo seems to have a sense of humor about the whole thing. attaching several hash tags, including booty from the block and booty and the beat. >> natural booty. booty, booty, booty, you get the idea. there will probably be more where that came from. >> did you write that one? >> i probably did write that one -- [ boing sound effect ] >> guys, coming up. next up, proving the apple
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doesn't fall far from the tree. >> the country music powerhouses, tim mcgraw and faith hill. wait until you hear their daughter, audrey. take a listen. ♪ past 18 sent down you belong to ♪ >> this video shared by inquisitor showing 12-year-old audrey mcgraw, just 12 years old, performing acoustic version of the dixie chicks' "traveling soldier" as an opening act for her dad. >> the fans really appeared to love her there. so far no word from either tim mcgraw on faith hill on whether audrey will be opening any more shows. so we'll follow her. >> pretty good debut. finally, it's time to check out who's blowing out the birthday candles. >> topping our list of celeb ri team birthdays today -- >> happy birthday to one and
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all. >> big once to see. coming up, we all know how valuable rare baseball cards can be. >> the folks at the antiques road show have never seen anything like this. een anything like this. you get a natural look without the gray. only just for men has airactiv. the only technology that uses oxygen in the air to get rid of gray while leaving the natural variations in your hair. no ammonia. no peroxide. no overcoloring. just air... just you... and the look you want. just for men. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference.
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so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. is this a one-size-fits-all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends on what we need and how much we want to spend. [ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? ♪ i'm in.
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[ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. that's notthat's dirt r carpet, creeping in. send it running with resolve high traffic foam. its foam power removes three times more dirt than
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vacuuming alone. all while neutralizing pet odors. don't just vacuum clean . resolve clean. ♪ treasures can be hiding in some of the strangest places. and sometimes right under your nose. a woman inherited some old baseball cards but turned down an offer of $5,000 for them. >> good thing she did. now the cards could pull in 200 times the amount. "the antiques road show" program on pbs calls this find the biggest sports treasure trove in their history. abc's linsey davis has more. >> reporter: at first glance, you might not size her up as a baseball enthusiast. but this woman on an upcoming episode of "antiques road show" has just hit a home run.
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>> holy smokes. >> reporter: in her possession, this collection of professional baseball card passed down through five generations. cards so rare, experts didn't even believe they still existed. >> this archive was by far the most exciting that i had ever seen. >> reporter: the owner's great, great grandmother ran a boardinghouse in boston in the 1870s back when the boston red sox were known as the red stockings, and she housed the players. the grand slam, a letter to the landlady with notes from three hall of famers about how they missed her cooking. those card now worth at least $1 million. >> reporter: not the first time regular folks have stumbled on a hidden treasure. like the man who bought this painting covering a hole in his wall for $30. and later sold it for $1.25 million. or this, one of the original copies of the declaration of independence, bought at a thrift shop for $2.48. worth almost $500,000. new reason to search the attic and study that heirloom.
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>> think about it? is it historically important? is it rare? what is behind it? >> in this case, the woman is not selling. she plans to keep it just as it has been for decades, all in the family. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> i love that. i love how she stumbled on to those. >> love her reaction. i used to collect baseball card. nothing that old, of course. you never know what is sitting around and how valuable is it could be. >> fascinating to look at the old card. look at the photographs. >> the hair styles. >> the hair styles. >> the original boston red sox right there. >> yeah, right there. >> awesome. you never know what you will find in those boxes under your bed. >> exactly. >> don't miss our updates on face book, and >> coming up more news from abc. you're watching abc's "world news now." >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. decades.
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"world news now," informing insomniacs for two dec
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good morning. i'm michelle franzen. >> i'm devin dwyer. here are some of the top headlines we are following this morning on "world news now." the northeast getting a chance to dry out today after being battered by soaking downpours. some areas buried under more than a foot of rain. abandoned cars floated down highways. rising floodwaters turned homes into tiny islands. full details in a moment. >> an attorney for the new hampshire teen missing for nine >> an attorney for the new hampshire teen missing for nine months, says she was violently abducted and he says that abigail hernandez, quote, suffered numerous acts of unspeakable violence while missing. >> the north african nation of -- west african nation of liberia has gotten the last known doses of the experimental ebola drug zmapp. the company that makes the drug says it is not ready to make it widely
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available in africa. and 99-year-old ida keeling set a new record for the 100-yard dash. she turns 100 next may, and has no plans of ending her running career. those are some of our top stories on this thursday, august 14th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning to you. great to have you with us this thursday morning. we begin with the epic rainfall saturating much of the northeast. one suburban new york town here getting hit by more than 13 inches of rain in just a matter of hours. >> that's right. also wet and wild in the southwest. the skies opened up over albuquerque. monsoon storms triggering floodwaters that swept away several people. including a man who was pulled to safety. abc's gio benitez has more on the rain across the country. >> reporter: flash flood chaos,
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in the northeast, rhode island firefighters had to rescue this driver after water inundated his car. in new york state of emergency. 13 inches of rain in just hours. setting a new record for the entire state. so stormy the weather caused a tractor-trailer to hit and kill a driver. here on long island, the floodwaters were so intense that cars were actually floating. take a look at this one right here, the water picked this car up and slammed it against that railing. the house behind that railing flooded, that. cars in the cul-de-sac, a total loss. >> my house is like long island right now. i have water around my whole house. >> reporter: in babylon, new york, even the fire chief is pumping out three feet of water from his basement. >> this has never been this high before. not even during sandy. >> reporter: in michigan where highways turned to rivers, some major roadways were still closed. caked with mud. in maryland, heavy rains completely flooded at least one long-term parking lot at bwi airport in baltimore. in north carolina, flooding, power outages, downed trees. and water rescues after severe storms.
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the system flooding the east got its start in the midwest. here's what it did to good samaritan hospital in carnie, nebraska. the hospital's dining room flooded after nine feet of water crashed through the windows. thankfully, no one was hurt. back here on long island where we saw those record-breaking rains, there is so much damage people here are going to be cleaning up for quite some time. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> our thanks to gio for the report. now here's a look at today's weather -- heavy rain and severe thunderstorms covering nearly all the rocky and cascade mountain regions. heavy rains in northern maine. thunderstorms in parts of louisiana and florida. it will be sunny and clear in much of the rest of the nation. >> temperatures in the 70s and 80s on both coasts. but heating up into the 90s and triple digits in the midwest. and southwest. with phoenix, hitting 102 degrees. >> to suburban st. louis now, where there has been another
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night of violent protests. police in ferguson used tear gas and smoke bombs on demonstrators after they ignored warnings to go home. the police chief is still refusing to name the officer who fatally shot unarmed teenager michael brown. he did reveal that the officer was injured in the incident. >> in ohio, talk show host and businessman charged with shooting his wife. he claims it was an accident. blake solhauer's wife misty expected to recover. police say he shot her during an argument in their driveway. not clear if it was intentional or if he was simply trying to scare her. or simply trying to scare her. in court yesterday he pleaded not guilty to assault and domestic violence. >> i took -- back of the trunk and it went off. >> he has been ordered to stay away from his wife and two young daughters. he is being held on $500,000 bond. >> the pentagon says air strikes and air drops have broken the siege on that iraqi mountain
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where refugees have been stranded. that means that a rescue mission which could have involved u.s. ground troops has been put on hold. thousand of refugees have been able to make their way to humanitarian camps. >> more than 100 american troops are now in iraq, helping to ease that crisis. seeing firsthand the dangers in rebel darer to. -- territory. muhammad lila reports from the front lines. >> reporter: american troops off the mountain after assessing the dire situation. refugees trapped. militants below. the same militants facing off with the troops. we drove with the rusty pickup truck through the sun-baked sand of northern iraq, into no-man's land, the brutal isis fighters a few minutes away. this is the front line of the war against isis, on the other side a village occupied by isis fighters. how often are they shooting at you? >> every night.
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>> reporter: here at the outpost, kurdish fighters say american air strikes have helped slowing down religious militants in their push to take over the country. >> they hatch missiles, rockets. tanks. >> we don't care. we'll fight with what we have. >> reporter: at this rate they might have to as we saw firsthand. can i see this? so this is all you have, no body armor. >> no. >> reporter: with so many isis fighters on the ground, make no mistake -- getting those refugees off the mountain and to safety is going to be a dangerous mission. abds in erbil, northern iraq. the pope has arrived in south korea this morning marking the first papally visit there in 25 years. among those greeting pope francis, as he stepped off the plane, were relative thousands -- relatives of thousands of the south korean ferry sinking victims. before the arrival, north korea fired missiles.
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the clintons and obamas on martha's vineyard last night. during the visit hillary clinton said she would hug out her differences with the president over foreign policy. abc's jonathan carl spoke with clinton before the big bash. >> reporter: the timing for this encounter between hillary clinton and president obama here at a mutual friend's party on martha's vineyard is a little bit awkward. comes just after secretary clinton offered some of her most pointed criticism yet of president obama's foreign policy. she tried to smooth things over shortly before the party at a book signing here on martha's vineyard. take a look at what happened when i tried to ask her about the specifics? do you think he is handling the situation in iraq, would you do it differently? >> i'm excited about signing books. >> reporter: mrs. lit promised to hug it out with president obama. make no mistake if she decide to run for president this will not be the last time she find herself at odds with president obama. jonathan carl, abc news, edgartown, martha's vineyard. so the white house put out a statement that the president and the clintons spent three hours together tonight.
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they apparently dined on surf and turf and pasta at the birthday party. and the obamas, apparently, danced nearly every song. michelle, no word on whether that hugging took place. >> yeah, no official photo or anything of that. we'll have to wait and see. >> no cameras. >> a south carolina mom outraged after she was arrested for cursing at her children in public. danielle wolf, charged with disorderly conduct while shopping at a grocery store with her family. another shopper told police she used the f word. she was arrested in front of her husband and kids. wolf is due in court next month. and in a suburb of orlando this morning, bear traps are still out despite the relocation of one bear family. a mother and her cubs were trapped, tranquilized and brought to a national forest yesterday. that after becoming a nuisance in one neighborhood. neighbors say the animals were making them feel like they were trapped. in their own homes. meanwhile, in suburb humanitarian -- houston, more
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wildlife there. an alligator decided to check out the inside of this junior high school building. there it its. for a while there, the gator blocked one of the entrances. deputies tried to capture it. see there dangling the rope. didn't really work out well. eventually they rounded it up and put him in the trunk of a squad car. the lesson there for students and teachers on campus there today for registration. scary sight. in your junior high school, day one. right? all right. a story like this was only going to come from silicone, silicone valley, rather. wait until you see the robot butler. >> here it is. three feet tall with a seven-inch tablet screen and a painted on bow tie when you call for something like towels or whatever. it is loaded on to a top apartment then programmed to bring your item right to your door. >> starts roaming the halls of the aloft hotel in silicone valley next week. and if the trial period goes
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well, all 100-plus, a-loft hotels could eventually get one of these. >> my question. maybe the future, do you have to give it a tip? >> might. might have to tip it. i wonder if it talks. [ sounds ] >> or makes noises like that. r2-d2. coming up, all in the family. police say a mom and kids had quite a life of storm, stealing from stores in a sophisticated scheme. ahead, the beauty pageant queen busted for fraud. does she look like someone that is in so much pain she can't walk? and later, the "dancing with the stars" pro known for his fancy footwork is share something all new backstage secrets. you are watching "world news now." ♪ i want to dance >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by vista print. secrets. you are watching "world news now." ♪ i want to dance >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by vista print.
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looki prefer today.eeks? clairol age defy color collection. with our best breakthrough gray coverage. lustruous, radiant color that looks 10 years younger. today. age defy color from clairol.
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♪ you know it is one thing to be caught stealing, but quite another to turn night a family business. >> that's just what one family from phoenix did, shoplifting hundreds of thousand of dollars in merchandise, even turning violent when they got caught. here's abc's nick watt. >> reporter: the cops say terry vargas is there stuffing stolen goods into a bag. she is picked up again, hurrying out of the mall in arizona with her alleged accomplice/brother mario. the security guard is in relatively hot pursuit, then watch -- phoenix police say mario vargas blasts him with pepper spray. cops say they have never seen anything like the gang they dubbed a family affair. >> never a family and especially at this magnitude. >> reporter: behind the tree the guard is trying to grab the
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brother and sister suspects beaten back by a cloud of spray. vargas and vargas make it to the get away car. their gang has stolen $15,000 of merchandise since november from the likes of victoria's secret and dillard's. their regular m.o., cops say, one steals while another distracts clerks and guards. >> they were relatively successful until we caught them. >> after two months on their trail, cops swooped on the residence, arresting, elizabeth, terry, lisette, mario and jose. and allegedly finding this stash of stolen goods. >> they were trading these retail items for drugs but they were having yard sales. >> wasn't fancy things normal clothing and furniture. >> reporter: mario vargas faces aggravated robbery charge for this pepper spray incident. and the family is up on a raft of charges, theft, fraud and trafficking in stolen
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property. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> brazen. >> crazy. pepper spray there at the end incredible. interesting stat. $35 million a day fly off the shelves at retailers due to theft. an amazing one in 11 americans have shoplifted. >> yeah, authorities say 3/4 of adults and juveniles though don't plan it. it is never premeditated. more of an opportunity. >> on the fly. well, coming up, we introduce you to someone who has taken theft to a whole new level. americans have pouring hundreds of millions into their pockets of disability cheats. you don't believe who has been getting away with it. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. for colon cancer? i don't have any symptoms. [female announcer] of cancers affecting both men and women, colorectal cancer is the 2nd leading cancer killer in the united states. and it doesn't always cause symptoms, especially early on. but i'm only 53. i'm too young.
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[announcer] screening is recommended for men and women beginning at 50. but no one in my family had colon cancer. it doesn't run in my family. [announcer] most colorectal cancers occur in people with no family history of the disease. but. that test... [announcer] there are several kinds of screening tests for colorectal cancer... talk to your doctor about which one is right for you. i've been screened...and it turned out i had polyps. and the doctor removed them before they had a chance to turn into cancer! [announcer] no buts about it... this is one cancer you can prevent! if you're 50 or older, talk to your doctor and get screened for colorectal cancer. screening saves lives! ♪ disability and workers comp
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were created to help americans who truly can't make a living off of working. >> yeah, con artists are cheating honest taxpayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars every year. and the problem appears to only be getting worse. >> increasingly investigators now learning how to outfox the clever cheats. and we're up all "nightline" with abc's neal karlinsky. ♪ >> reporter: at this year's miss toyota long beach grand prix beauty contest, if there was an award for being a shameless con artist, california insurance officials say, shawna lynn palmer would take the crown. because while she was strutting the stage and wearing high heels, investigators say she was also collecting workers comp benefits claiming she couldn't place any weight on her foot, could not move it in any direction or wear a shoe for any length of time. after fracturing a toe at work in march. investigators described the case as just a slice of a multibillion dollar drag on the economy.
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to get an inside look, we recently took a float plane to washington state's remote san juan island along with an agent of the cooperative disability investigations program. a sort of csi unit for sniffing out social security disability fraud. armed with hidden cameras and posing as cell phone company workers, agents found their targets on one recent case working in a coffee shop. ramona hayes and cory eglash are owners of the shamelessly named criminal coffee, complete with a slogan, "the place to come when you're on the run." both had claimed they couldn't work or, in some cases, even stand up very long. agent joe rodgers ran the investigation. both were incredibly chatty and seemingly perfectly able bodied. a far cry from their applications for disability payments.
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>> she has written here, "i cannot work due to anxiety, severe depression, ptsd. there are days when i cannot leave my home." >> reporter: the government was paying ramona $1,000 a month in disability based on her application. that wasn't all. >> she received over $42,000 in social security. and another $15,000 from the state of washington. so, about $58,000 total. >> cory wasn't receiving disability yet. his application is what helped set off the red flag that brought agents to their door. >> his difficulty lifting, squatting, bending, standing, reaching, sitting, kneeling, stair climbing, seeing, memory, completing tasks, understanding, concentration, using hands, getting along with others. pretty inclaufb. -- inclusive. >> reporter: the investigators dug up record that cory had a second job at a nearby aquarium. volunteered at a senior center. and even played basketball with the local rec league. >> do you play any at all? >> sometimes.
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>> we get an application. he's trying to get on says. we look at him, we discover him already on. >> reporter: both are now doing time in federal prison. ramona pleaded guilty to mail fraud. >> most everything we bake is gluten free. >> caller: cory convicted of conspiracy to defraud the united states and mail fraud, recently sentenced to 15 months in prison and $10,000 fine. meanwhile in california, the latest poster child in the fight against disability fraud is free on bail. i'm neal karlinsky for "nightline" in seattle. >> wow. just incredible investigations there. you have got to believe that all the work that went into just tracking down some of these people, there must be dozens more out there. >> yeah, they say this is just a real drop in the bucket. and every year social security pays out a whopping $170 billion in disability to people. so that's a big chunk. and they're only able to catch a few. cameras are helping out that. >> they are for sure.
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coming up, stay with us, an old veteran lacing up for season 19 of "dancing with the stars." >> before he takes to the dance floor, what derek hough is telling us this morning. they are for sure. coming up, stay with us, an old veteran lacing up for season 19 of dancing with the stars. >> before he takes to the dance floor, what derek hough is telling us this morning. learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity hd3
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abc's "dancing with the stars" is gearing up for a whole new season with professional dancers announced on "good morning america." there are a few new bees who will be competing for the mirror ball trophy. >> and familiar faces back on the show. five time champion, derek hough at it again. opening up about his time on and off the dance floor in a tell-all book. kabc's reporter caught up with him. >> reporter: derek hough has 13
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successful seasons of "dancing with the stars" behind him. right now focusing on his late accomplishment. he's written a book called "taking the lead, lessons from a life in motion." one thing we learned, as a boy he was bullied. mainly by three brothers in his neighborhood. >> for me it was a learning experience. look back at that. definitely don't look at myself as the a victim, but more as a witness to, to, you know what was going on with them. >> reporter: derek's book has plenty of references to "dancing with the stars" but beyond his five first-place finishes, he gives you a glimpse inside how he prepares his various partners for the stage and the importance of what he is trying to share which goes way beyond dancing. >> the reason i call the book, lessons from a life in motion. lessons are meant to be learned and relearned. because you have learned something doesn't mean you are going to, be congruent with that the rest of your life. you have to remind yourself. you have to go back. >> reporter: whether dancing, writing or living. derek learned one important
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lesson himself, pretty early on. something else he is passing on to his readers. >> if you feel like you have to wait until you are ready, you are never going to diet. you are never going to feel like you are ready. sort of throw yourself into things. trust you will find a way. >> reporter: when it comes to dancing, derek says you need to be fueled by passion, not fame or fortune. he learned that early on too. >> when i competed, you know we didn't, we didn't really win anything. it was just like a feeling. yeah, i won. great. and then, that was it. >> reporter: reporting for abc news. >> and now he has a world champion title, under 21 latin american dance. boy, the pictures just incredible from his early days there. and you know something about derek hough. >> yes. i do. >> what are you doing? >> me dancing. i thought that was me. >> you performing this season on "dancing with the stars"? >> shh. don't tell. it's not out. >> that's the news for this half-hour. see you soon. >> announcer: more americans
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did you know that people born from 1945 through 1965 have the highest rates of hepatitis c, but most don't know they're infected? people can live for decades without symptoms, but over time hepatitis c can cause serious health problems. if you were born during these years, the cdc now recommends that you get a blood test for hepatitis c. so talk to your doctor and find out if you have hepatitis c. it could save your life. know more. when i have an asthma attack... i feel like a fish with no water. learn how to prevent your child's next asthma attack. because even one attack is one too many.
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this morning -- siege over? new marching orders for the american military sent to help refugees a remote mountain. could the crisis be ending? racial unrest. teargas set off in ferguson, missouri, where an unarmed teen was killed by police. new details about the officer who fired the shots. >> his face was swollen. he'd obviously been hit or punched. >> his injuries, the tension, and the calls for calm. and home sweet store. a teenaged boy turns a walmart into his temporary home for days. >> someone living there and has been living there for four days. that's crazy.
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>> where he slept, where he ate, and what he did to avoid getting busted. it's thursday, august 14th. happy thursday morning, surprising that no one in that walmart saw that kid camping out there. >> it will be interesting to find out all the details coming up later. >> that's right. more to come. serious news to get started. we begin with word from iraq that u.s. air strikes there have helped break a siege at mt. sinjar by militants. thousands of south dakotaies have been freed. >> air drops have also eased the crisis making a seventh delivery overnight to help remaining refugees. here's abc's karen travers in washington. >> reporter: it is now far less likely that the u.s. military will conduct any rescue and evacuation missions in northern iraq. the pentagon said wednesday night that there are far fewer refugees stranded on mt. sinjar than anticipated. secretary of defense chuck hagel
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said humanitarian drops of food and water were critical aid that made a difference. the military racetracks allowed many to escape. a team of 129 recent and special forces arrived in northern iraq to assess the situation on mt. sinjar. >> you look at corridors, airlift, you look at different ways to move people in a dangerous place on that mountain to a safer position. >> reporter: britain's prime minister indicated his country's support for whatever comes next. >> there are detailed plans being drawn up. britain will play a role in this desperate situation. >> reporter: the obama administration insisted -- >> the role of u.s. forces is not one of re-entering combat on the ground. it's how to provide humanitarian assistance to the affected population. >> reporter: on wednesday night, the u.s. military conducted a seventh humanitarian aid drop on the mountain range. in five days, the u.s. military has delivered more than 114,000
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meals and more than 35,000 gallons of water to the displaced and desperate. the white house said there needs to be a lasting solution in guarantee their long-term safety. karen travers, abc news, washington. israel and hamas are extending a temporary cease-fire for five days. this gives both sides a chance to continue to negotiate in a long-term truce at meetings being held in egypt. the head of the palestinian delegation says progress has been made, but obstacles still remain. despite cease-fire talks, there are still sporadic attacks. an associated press journalist and a freelance photographer with him were killed when ordnance went off near gaza. four police officers also died. in massachusetts, a frightening ride for dozens of people on a ferry.
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a giant wave slammed into the boat on the way to boston, knocking out the engines and shattering windows. the ferry was underway from provincetown on cape cod when a 20-foot wall of water hit, and passengers had to scramble for life jackets. the boat regained some power and made it to port. the captain suffered cuts to his hand, but thankfully no one else hurt. many towns in the southeast were completely swamped with torrential rain yesterday. rescuers had to wade through waist-deep water to save this man after he was trapped in his car after underestimating just how deep those floodwaters were. and things were worse on long island. cars flooded out and abandoned on roads after more than 13 inches of rain fell in eight hours. tensions between police and residents have boiled over again in suburban st. louis. officers including some on an armored truck pointed weapons at protesters last night. they also used teargas and smoke bombs to disperse the crowd. the ferguson police chief says race relations are a top
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priority in the city. he talked to abc. >> reporter: the protests continued down the streets of ferguson, demanding answers in the shooting of the unarmed teenager at the center of the movement. the city so torn, the police chief is meeting with the victim's family. with death threats coming in daily, police refuse to identify the officer who gunned down 18-year-old michael brown just two days before he should have started college. if it comes down to a lawsuit, police promise to appeal the issue to the highest court. they argue there was a fight at the scene and told us the officer was injured in the scuffle and had to be treated at a hospital. >> his face was swollen. so he'd obviously been hit or punched or something like that. >> reporter: teargas has been filling the air, and bullets are
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lighting up the night. even shooting at police helicopters. the faa is so concerned, they've issued a no-fly zone covering the city. we met brandon lee, a student and photographer who says the young people clashing with police aren't thugs, that this is civil disobedience. he asked us to show pictures of people cleaning the streets. >> i understand where the people are coming from doing looting and -- look on the news. no jobs, all of us in prison. >> reporter: to prevent scenes like this, the city is asking people who live here to march and protest during daylight hours. families say they should be able to march whenever they'd like. abc news, ferguson, missouri. new details about the new hampshire teen when was missing for nine months. abigail hernandez disappeared last october on her way home from school. she finally came home last month. her attorney says she was violently abducted and "suffered numerous acts of unspeakable violence" while missing. the attorney says she's getting professional help. a man is in custody charged with her kidnapping. and the father of the race
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car driver who was killed last weekend in upstate new york is speaking out. kevin ward jr.'s dad says there's no reason for the crash that killed his son. ward jr. died after being struck by the car driven by nascar star tony stewart. his father says stewart was apparently the only driver who didn't see ward jr. on the track. no charges have been filed against stewart, but they're still possible. a woman who flew from san jose to southern california on southwest airlines without a ticket was sentenced to 177 days in jail for violating her probation. marilyn jean hartman of spotted at los angeles international last week after she was ordered to stay away. the judge scolded hartman for wasting valuable law enforcement resources at one of the nation's busiest airport. and topping our "health" headlines this morning, a major study find low-salt diets may be a health risk of the report questions conventional wisdom that most people should cut back on salt and suggests the salt consumed by most people is okay
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for heart health and too little could be as bad as consuming too much. the american heart association disputes the new findings and still recommends just 1,500 milligrams of salt a day. burger king is making another menu move. dropping its lower calorie french fries. the so-called satis-fries have only been offered for less than a year. franchisees were given the option of keeping them this week, and only 1/3 of restaurants opted to continue selling them. sales were never strong because of some apparent confusion over what made them healthier than other fries. i didn't get a chance to ever try those, did you? >> i didn't get a chance either. but i understand that they're more expensive than regular fries. and turns out that a small immediately french fry, regular french fry, actually has fewer calories than the small satis-fry. bottom line, french fries are french fries. they should be fried and probably not all that great for you. >> if you're doing french fries, do french fries. >> right.
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let's talk about the world's most expensive hot dog. it's being served by a food truck in seattle. it's called tokyo dog. >> this is no ballpark frank here. it's a foot long smoked cheese bratwurst, that's right, with butter, teriyaki grilled onions, and mushrooms. there's also wagu beef, foie gras, and a buttery bun -- >> the price tag, $169. >> bargain. >> 1-6-9. how about a hot dog for $1.69? relish, mustard, ketchup. >> i'm old school when it comes to that. [ belch ] >> thanks, guys. coming up, from a hot dog to the most spoiled dog. a pet showered with indulgences. later in "the mix." indulging yourself and help from our favorite gourmet. you're watching "world news
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now." "world news now" weather brought to you by charmin ultra mega roll. "world news now" weather brought to you by charmin ultra mega roll. lgences see this later in "the mix." >> later indulging yourself with cool treats to eat and drink and add pizzazz to your menu with help from our favorite gourmet. you are watching "world news now." ♪ hot fun in the summertime >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by charmin ultramega roll. with charmin ultra mega roll?
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today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® is now available in flextouch® - the only prefilled insulin pen with no push-button extension. levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that's 50% longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. today, i'm asking about levemir® flextouch. (female announcer) levemir® is a long-acting insulin, used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.
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the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar levels. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. (male announcer) today's the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. covered by nearly all health insurance and medicare plans. something happens when you giveair.r hair... you get a natural look without the gray. only just for men has airactiv. the only technology that uses oxygen in the air to get rid of
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gray while leaving the natural variations in your hair. no ammonia. no peroxide. no overcoloring. just air... just you... and the look you want. just for men. ♪ i just want to run away
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♪ i just want to run away well, sometimes you just want to run away or get away. but if you remember being a teenager those options can be a bit limited. >> so one texas boy decided of all places to run to, it would be wal-mart. turning the store into his own hideaway. abc's ryan smith has the story. >> reporter: workers at this wal-mart in a dallas suburb getting a huge surprise. a 14-year-old boy found living in the store for days. these photos show the two places where the boy hid. this one in a display of baby products and strollers. and one behind the stack of paper towels and toilet paper. a scene reminiscent of "where the heart is." a pregnant natalie portman forced to live in wal-mart after being abandoned by her boyfriend. >> there are worse places to stay then this. >> reporter: customers are stunned. >> you never expect there is someone living there and has been living there for four days.
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that is crazy. >> reporter: the teen apparently stole items from the store to eat. and slept in this make shift bed to. avoid suspicion, the boy even took clothes from the rack, changing his outfit every few hours, even using diapers instead of the bathroom, to avoid detection. >> i'm wondering what his parents think. and how come he didn't come home. or why aren't they worried about him. >> reporter: it was this trail of trash that led wal-mart workers to his hiding place. the boy tried to run off but was caught before he could get away. it doesn't appear the boy is homeless. state officials say he was living with relatives when he disappeared. the boy is back with his parents, but still unanswered why he chose to hide in the store for so long. ryan smith, abc news, new york. >> you know we talked abut this before, about, you know they don't know why he stayed in the store so long. we also don't know why cameras or anyone else didn't notice him there. >> wal-mart says they're looking into it. if you are a 14-year-old, would seem to be the ultimate pad, flat screen tv's.
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i used to work there. i know all the secret spots where they stash the snacks. dvds, pillows. set up camp. have a great life there. >> you have all the tips. bring your friends. you should blog about that. >> well, almost back to school season. but we are not saying good-bye to summer just yet. we have easy, breezy, cool, summertime treats for you for end-of-season soirees. >> in your next half-hour, decoding your cravings, what your body is really telling you when you get a yen for mac and cheese. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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want to really kick it up. i use 2 ounces of tequila. 2 ounces of that go in. boom. just like that. that's my 2 ounces. >> like 4 there. >> other 2 ounces might not be that. give that a quick blend. and there you go. there you have it. actually made one earlier without the tequila. got a lot of work to do. >> we do. >> everything without -- without tequila. see what you think. >> mason jars. >> absolutely, pack those on a picnic. give it a shake before you have it. >> fantastic. melon. good texture in there. good taste of lime. >> very refreshing. another idea. at parties or want to take a party to go on a picnic. like to take lemonade, iced teas and kick it up with a little bit of black berry syrup, strawberry syrup, watermelon syrup. found this on line. and this is a great blackberry syrup. dash in there. you get a blackberry lemonade. blackberry iced tea. >> that's sweetened. >> little bit goes a long way. really tastes great. blackberry and lemonade, blackberry and iced tea. delicious. fabulous. another great idea.
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something easy. i believe, devin, easy entertaining. all this is skewer of feta, watermelon, mint. you can present it like we did on a watermelon. very nice. >> goes well on a picnic. take it with you. really easy to pack and go. >> it is. the saltiness and feta, sweetness of the melon, mint kicker. perfect. anyway, another thing i love during the heat, are chilled soups. just love it. nice, refreshing. you can't beat a good gazpacho. i love it. i tell you what, they're easy to do. in here, one can of diced tomatoes. >> here you go. >> half a cup of cucumber. half red pepper in there. little bit of onion. >> red onion. >> garlic. >> got to have the garlic. >> garlic. little red wine vinegar. cumin goes in. by the way all recipes on your site. go to "world news now." >> facebook fan page. >> worcester. whip it up. what i like to do after that combines, serve in individual --
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>> awesome. and also, you can make this a day ahead and bring it with you? >> in fact, you want to. chill it. keep it chilled. all ingredients come together a day ahead. nice and refreshing. >> isn't it great? >> cucumber sandwiches. cool as a cucumber. secret is a little cream cheese. add a little dry ranch mix to it. do that overnight. >> so versatile. >> oh, yeah, absolutely. seasons it up. do it overnight. spread a little on it. fresh cucumbers. got it, done, boom. >> wrap it up with something sweet. >> here it, peach mousse, real peaches, sugar free orange gelatin, honey. >> like pudding. >> light. use that nonfat whipped cream if you want to put it in there. or go all fat. any way, light, airy. >> you heard it here. america's chief entertainer, great to have you, tim. find all our recipes this
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morning on our facebook page, stay with us. you are watching "world news now." ♪ hot fun in the summertime
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we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide
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and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. and now it is time for "the mix." and now it is time for "the mix." you like dogs don't you? >> i love dogs. >> i have a dog. my dog is not as pampered as this dog you will see. meet chloe, princess pom. pomeranian. spoiled like no other dog i heard before. might be the most pampered pooch ever. he has 250 outfits. more outfits than i have in my closet. bows, hats. tiaras. that is the owner there. she says she is not rich. but if she had more money she would lavish a lot more on her. >> my favorite thing about this story, she says she prefers to carry her in her $1,500, louis vuitton carry bag, doggy pram.
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treat your dog like that. speaking of designer apparel, take a look. meet the python in indonesia that likes wearing a frog for style. that's right. these two grew up together in captivity. a true python normally eats frogs. a green tree frog. they're best buddies now. no sign of aggression here. they look so cute together don't they. >> they look adorable. almost looks photo shopped. >> sticky fingers there work out perfectly. you know what, it is still a snake. and we have been covering the ice bucket challenge all week showing different clips. well we are going to show you an extreme one now. this one out of canada, canadian hockey player, decided to do it his way. on top of the glacier of course. filling up buckets of water. and dumping them from a helicopter up above. all the while, he is shaking and
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wearing a speedo. >> only a pro-hockey player. >> here it goes. and slow motion. >> oh, yikes. >> extreme. >> icy water coming down giving me a chill. >> he laid down a challenge to several others and lebron james. >> interesting to see if the guys follow through. everybody it seems could be catching on to this now. look at that. >> that's pretty good. >> that's pretty good. >> there on that thing. >> finally want to introduce you to this couple that did the ultimate sailing adventure around the world. they survived to tell about it. meet clive and jane green of the u.k. they spent 16 years sailing on a 35-foot boat around the world. 50,000 miles, 56 countries. there they are. and they have unbelievable stories to tell. in fact, one of them -- >> looks like a honeymoon. >> maybe. >> they had just gotten married there. having a few drinks too apparently. one of the stories they told is to find food in one remote fiji island.
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she had to trade her bra with
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this morning on "world news now" -- showdown in missouri. this morning on "world news now" -- showdown in missouri. police in a st. louis suburb use tear gas. the growing tension in a town where an unarmed teen was shot by police. >> fight ebola, one of the american missionaries infected by the vicious virus in africa her struggle to recover. her husband in isolation speaks out. and fear at the fairgrounds. a girl's dangerous fall from a thrill ride. the scary sight for eyewitnesses and what doctors are saying about the victim. and major debut. michael jackson's new music video released just hours ago. our first look at how it is already making history. that's in "the skinny" on this >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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>> good morning. i'm michelle franzen. >> i'm devin dwyer. always great to see new michael jackson music coming out. that escape album is so fun. >> amazing. we begin this half-hour with escalating violence in suburban st. louis following the shooting of an unarmed team. >> that's right. heavily armed police in ferguson using tear gas and smoke bombs on the crowd after at least one person threw a flaming bottle. this report filed from the scene. >> reporter: wednesday's demonstration was much like the ones monday and tuesday. a crowd of protesters including some adults with children in strollers singing, chanting, some praying and some taunting a line of police in riot gear. the protesters, about 200 of them, had been told to stay back 25 feet from the police and two armored personnel carriers. and most complied. just after sunset, someone threw an object at one of the officers, one more warning was
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issued and tear gas was fired into the crowd. people scattered to the north on florenceson avenue and a short time later percussion grenades were deployed. police on foot and in vehicles chased the demonstrators from the area. violence followed a tuesday protest that ended peacefully and appeals from the police chief to clear the streets by nightfall. the latest incident happened a block from the spot where 18-year-old michael brown was shot to death by police on saturday. a killing that has prompted four nights of protests. jim ryan, abc news. the police chief in ferguson is refusing to name the officer who fired the shots which killed michael brown. the chief did reveal to abc news the officer sustained facial injuries in the incident. now to the humanitarian crisis in iraq. the pentagon says air strikes and air drops have broken the siege on that mountain where so many refugees have been stranded. that means that a rescue which could have involved u.s. ground troops has been put on hold. the seventh drop of food and water was carried out last
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night. and the pope is in south korea this morning, marking the first papal visit there in 25 years. among those greeting pope francis as he stepped off the plane, relatives of the south korean ferry sinking that killed more than 300. not to be outdone, north korea made its presence felt by firing off three short-range missiles just moments before the pope arrived. well, this morning, liberia has received the last known doses of an experimental ebola drug. the company which makes zmapp is not prepared to make it widely available despite assurances by world health organization. both the americans who got the drug are doing better. for an update here is abc's paula faris. >> reporter: the american missionary couple kept apart by one of the world's deadliest diseases. nancy writebol in isolation in atlanta, stricken with ebola which has no known cure. david writebol in quarantine in charlotte being watched to see if he develops the disease. telling abc news he is
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cautiously optimistic about his wife's health. what is the latest with your wife, nancy? >> her voice is clearer an brighter. still very weak. moving in the right direction. making good progress although we are still not quite ready to say she its out of the woods yet. >> reporter: it has been 11 days since missionary doctor ken brantly was flown back to the u.s. nuclear plant followed soon after. both have received an experimental drug and those supplies now exhausted. his last physical contact with nancy was in liberia nearly a month ago through protective gloves. >> i patted her to let her know i was there and loved her. >> reporter: david remains in quarantine, unsure when he will be cleared. he says when he is released, his first stop will be atlanta to see his wife of 40 years. michelle and devin. >> thank you, paula.
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a young girl in upstate new york is nursing a broken arm after a dangerous fall. the 12-year-old injured after falling ten feet from the sky flyer ride at the erie county fair. ride operators believe the girl wasn't properly secured. and boarded the ride when the person checking the riders didn't see her. >> she couldn't find a way to get in. she was trying to get up. a couple seconds later, it just flew up in the air. >> operators say there was no mechanical failure involved in the incident to. to avoid a repeat, though, an additional person is being added to check the riders are securely in their seats. now to a terrifying ordeal for passengers aboard a ferry on cape cod bay. a rogue wave, at least 20 feet high, came crashing down on the ferry knocking out the engine and two windows near the captain. passengers scrambled for life jackets as water gushed from the ceiling. the boat regained some power and slowly made it back to boston with a coast guard escort.
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the captain was treated for cuts to his hand. thankfully no other injuries. and emergency crews on the move in the southwest after heavy monsoon rains there yesterday. a man sleeping under a bridge in albuquerque was swept away. he had to be rescued from a flooded waterway. you see him there. firefighters tossing a rope and pulling him to safety. several others were also rescued from flood waters in the same area. >> a look at today's weather. there will be more heavy rain flooding all the way up in northern maine. thunderstorms over parts of louisiana and florida. and the eastern, 2/3 of the nation though will be sunny and clear. out west, heavy rain with severe thunderstorms in the rocky and cascade mountain regions. >> temperatures will be moderate on both coasts and the great lakes. but hot in the midwest and southwest with phoenix hitting 102. now to a mother in texas who could not be more thankful this morning. her son cory amanzo involved in a car wreck in may. it left him in a coma.
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and for months cory was unable to move or communicate. then suddenly, this past weekend that all changed. >> we were just sitting there talking to him like we always do. and he just starts following our voices. and he is looking at me. then his sister starts talking. he turns and looks at her. and he was just following us, it was amazing. >> cory is now doing physical therapy at their home. some of his football teammates have come to visit. and cory has told them that he wants to go to practice. they say, "no, you don't." >> that is just incredible. five months in a coma. you think so many people would begin to give up hope after that long. without reaching their, their son. >> and his mom was very thankful. she said she had to thank god when he came out of the coma. so beautiful story. >> incredible what the brain can bounce back from, right? >> yes. moving you on now to tiger woods and
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more evidence just how bad his aching back really is. woods says his doctors advised him not to play or practice golf right now. he says his back muscles need time to heal and be rehabbed. woods missed the cut at last weekend's pga championship. and now removed himself for consideration for the next month ryder cup matches. and now to a remarkable athlete, so remarkable we thought that she its the star of our "favorite story of the day." >> she is 99-year-old ida keeling who just set a new world record for her age group of 99 in the 100-meter dash. incredible. ida, great, great grandmother. she stands 4'6", just 83 pounds. >> at a meet in akron, ohio, she blazed the meters in 59.8 seconds. look at her go. hold the age group record in the women's indoor 60-meter dash. way to go, ida. >> love that. says she got into running in 1967 after sad news. two of her sons murdered three years apart. says it raised her spirits. love her advice.
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she said, "do what you need to do, not what you want to do." get out there and get exercise. >> she said get that exercise. that's right. what an inspiration. i love her. >> great motion there on the track. coming up in "the skinny." j-lo showing some moves she has still got it. racy new shots just out. you want few see them. >> first understanding your cravings for certain foods and what your brain is trying to tell you when you got to have some carbs. you are watching "world news now." ♪ and constant cravings ♪ has always been >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol. ♪ and constant cravings ♪ has always been >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lyesol. you can't be there for your kids 24/7. that's why lysol has partnered with over two million teachers to educate kids with healthy habits programs. like how to fight germs.
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♪ and constant craving ♪ has always been you know, everybody's craving something. and you might even be hearing that little voice calling you to dig around the kitchen right now. >> that's right, carbs, sweets, salt, fats, crunchies, the food you think you can't live without could be your body trying to tell you something. here's abc's abbie boudreau with more. ♪ >> reporter: could your cravings be clues that something is eating at you. let's start with the oh, so common caffeine craving. a lot of people crave caffeine. so what does it say about them? >> it might say that they just need some satisfaction. that maybe something is going on in their life they think that is
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going to be the pick-me-up. there is nothing wrong with coffee in moderation. >> reporter: beller says craving caffeine indicates a need for energy and could alone mean you are dehydrated. instead of coffee or sodas all day long, what is a better option? >> you might need water to quench your thirst. that might be a good tradeoff. >> mm. >> mm. >> reporter: what about if you crave ice? >> it could mean you are bored, dehydrated. thirsty. just consumed a hot beverage. want to cool your mouth off. there have been case reports of people craving ice when they have iron deficiency anemia. >> reporter: are you quick to order mashed potatoes and mac and cheese? >> you may be lacking serotonin. a feel-good hormone. sometimes a treadmill can do that increases serotonin. we encourager exercise. >> reporter: beller says to turn to healthy comfort foods like whole wheat pasta andyams or getting a massage. craving for fatty food may be your brain telling you don't go cold turkey.
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>> >>'s better to have a little good, healthy fats to prevent you from wanting unhealthy fats. >> reporter: this is my craving. what does it say about me? >> it says that you may be lacking some fat in your diet. a few is fine to have. okay to have a little fun. >> reporter: food for thought in moderation. abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> so what does my potato chip craving say about me? >> it says that you are hungry. i had potato chips earlier today. craving barbecue, i gave in. which i don't very often. >> must be stress, insomnia. if you are craving caffeine, probably addicted to it. if you don't drink it, you have a headache. ice? anybody crave ice? >> i don't crave ice. i didn't have an iron deficiency. >> very interesting. >> always choose pretzels instead of potato chips. it isn't as fun. nice. or ice cream. >> ice cream like you do.
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we don't have any of that. >> wonder what that says when i am craving ice cream like that? >> you are melting in the sun. >> pickles. >> you are wilted. >> my wilted look. melting. >> if you are looking for things to munch on, we want to remind everybody, you just saw in the previous segment, tim laird recipes. >> could use summery things. >> lots to munch on there. when we come back, more to chew on in hollywood. what michael jackson accomplished from beyond the grave that no other artist has ever done. >> why celine dion is suddenly canceling all of her concerts. that's coming up in "the skinny." >> stay with us. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. concerts. you're in a group most likely to develop skin cancer, including melanoma.
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that's why your best shot is to check for a spot. follow through and check your skin. go to to find out how.
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ >> and it's time for "the skinny." we begin with some breaking ♪ skinny so skinny and it's time for "the skinny." we begin with some breaking michael jackson news. >> yeah, love m.j. latest video now has become the first music individually to premiere on twitter. happening late last night. no hologram here if you remember billboard music awards. that is actual footage of m.j. from years ago. the song is called "a place with no name," featured on this year's "escape" album. take a listen. ♪ oh take me to a place without your name ♪
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♪ take me to a beach without your name ♪ >> and there was even a tweet from michael jackson announcing the new video. some find that a little bit more than creepy. >> hmm. >> vintage michael though, the song. >> it is. has a nice feel to it. love the songs on the new album. the video, pretty straight forward here. someone in the office said it looks a little look a jeep commercial. little product placement maybe. >> little product placement. >> fun. moving on, though, to another music star. celine dion putting her career on hold, canceled her concerts and las vegas show to focus on her family. >> the five-time grammy award winning singer cleared her schedule to be at her husband's side he battles throat cancer. celine and her husband are a few months shy of their 20th wedding anniversary. she says she wants to devote every ounce of her energy and strength to her husband's healing. >> dion is recovering from
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enflamed vocal cords herself and raising their three sons. next up, j. lo and her upcoming single. its title is -- are you ready for this -- "booty." >> wait till you see the pictures here all makes sense to you. here it is the art work for the single of course, features j-lo and the body part that she is best known for there. you see the title of the song too, goes well with that, and -- and eye catching don't you think? >> exactly. very eye-catching. j-lo seems to have a sense of humor about the whole thing. attaching several hash tags, including booty from the block and booty and the beat. >> natural booty. booty, booty, booty, you get the idea. there will probably be more where that came from. >> did you write that one? >> i probably did write that one -- [ boing sound effect ] >> guys, coming up. next up, proving the apple
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doesn't fall far from the tree. >> the country music powerhouses, tim mcgraw and faith hill. wait until you hear their daughter, audrey. take a listen. ♪ past 18 sent down you belong to ♪ >> this video shared by inquisitor showing 12-year-old audrey mcgraw, just 12 years old, performing acoustic version of the dixie chicks' "traveling soldier" as an opening act for her dad. >> the fans really appeared to love her there. so far no word from either tim mcgraw on faith hill on whether audrey will be opening any more shows. so we'll follow her. >> pretty good debut. finally, it's time to check out who's blowing out the birthday candles. >> topping our list of celeb ri team birthdays today -- >> happy birthday to one and
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all. >> big once to see. coming up, we all know how valuable rare baseball cards can be. >> the folks at the antiques road show have never seen anything like this. een anything like this. you get a natural look without the gray. only just for men has airactiv. the only technology that uses oxygen in the air to get rid of gray while leaving the natural variations in your hair. no ammonia. no peroxide. no overcoloring. just air... just you... and the look you want. just for men. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference.
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so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. is this a one-size-fits-all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends on what we need and how much we want to spend. [ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? ♪ i'm in.
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[ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. that's notthat's dirt r carpet, creeping in. send it running with resolve high traffic foam. its foam power removes three times more dirt than
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vacuuming alone. all while neutralizing pet odors. don't just vacuum clean . resolve clean. ♪ treasures can be hiding in some of the strangest places. and sometimes right under your nose. a woman inherited some old baseball cards but turned down an offer of $5,000 for them. >> good thing she did. now the cards could pull in 200 times the amount. "the antiques road show" program on pbs calls this find the biggest sports treasure trove in their history. abc's linsey davis has more. >> reporter: at first glance, you might not size her up as a baseball enthusiast. but this woman on an upcoming episode of "antiques road show" has just hit a home run.
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>> holy smokes. >> reporter: in her possession, this collection of professional baseball card passed down through five generations. cards so rare, experts didn't even believe they still existed. >> this archive was by far the most exciting that i had ever seen. >> reporter: the owner's great, great grandmother ran a boardinghouse in boston in the 1870s back when the boston red sox were known as the red stockings, and she housed the players. the grand slam, a letter to the landlady with notes from three hall of famers about how they missed her cooking. those card now worth at least $1 million. >> reporter: not the first time regular folks have stumbled on a hidden treasure. like the man who bought this painting covering a hole in his wall for $30. and later sold it for $1.25 million. or this, one of the original copies of the declaration of independence, bought at a thrift shop for $2.48. worth almost $500,000. new reason to search the attic and study that heirloom.
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>> think about it? is it historically important? is it rare? what is behind it? >> in this case, the woman is not selling. she plans to keep it just as it has been for decades, all in the family. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> i love that. i love how she stumbled on to those. >> love her reaction. i used to collect baseball card. nothing that old, of course. you never know what is sitting around and how valuable is it could be. >> fascinating to look at the old card. look at the photographs. >> the hair styles. >> the hair styles. >> the original boston red sox right there. >> yeah, right there. >> awesome. you never know what you will find in those boxes under your bed. >> exactly. >> don't miss our updates on face book, and >> coming up more news from abc. you're watching abc's "world news now." >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. decades.
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"world news now," informing
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america. >> stay tuned for "good morning america." making news in america this morning, developing right now, a night filled with tear gas, smoke bombs and violence. as new protests erupt over the police involved shooting of a teen, new video from the clashes with police. on board emergency. a rogue wave smashes into a packed ferry breaking windows, terrifying passengers. new pictures of the damage from inside the cabin. violent explosion. manhole covers ripped from the street with people standing nearby. what caused the city's sewer system to ignite. treasure trove. the million dollar discovery one woman made in her attic.


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